Concept Artist / Illustrator - Epoch Games (Unpaid)

Location: Remote

In this volunteer position, you will be asked to create a variety of high-quality concept art and/or illustrative work for The Lays of Althas: Sundered Order (LoA:SO). Interested applicants must be advised that this is a long-term volunteer project, and as such, you must be ready to contribute to the game on a long-term basis (however, as this is an unpaid position, full-time dedication is not expected). A variety of different concept types, such as characters, creatures, landscape, architecture, etc, may be required. For illustrative work, you may be asked to create illustrations that will be used as in-game paintings (and should replicate various medieval painting styles).

Apply or find out more here.


Concept Artist - 1047 Games


Senior Concept Artist - Teleporter