Félicie Haymoz



Félicie Haymoz lives in Switzerland where she forages for mushrooms and sings to cows. 

She took her first steps as a character designer on the animated feature Max&Co, followed by Wes Anderson’s Fantastic Mr. Fox, for which she was the lead character designer and tasked with turning Hollywood A-Listers into lovable furry animals. She then enjoyed designing the charming Japanese characters of Wes Anderson's second animation film, Isle of Dogs.

In recent years she has been involved in various commercial and feature development projects, creating a wide variety of characters and concept art for stop­motion­, digital 3d­ and cut­out animation productions.

Her illustrations have been used in magazines and for album artwork by bands such as The Tellers, Girls in Hawaii. She also directed Je Maudis Ma Nuit, a love story featuring a lonely lighthouse keeper, shot on 16mm film.


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J. Alan Scott


Erel Maatita